Good eye

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November 2015

Good eye

Perhaps many of you who have had kids recently engaged or formerly engaged in little league baseball have encountered this. Your son or daughter is at the plate as the pitcher winds up and throws their best fastball. Your child does not swing, and the pitch is called a “ball”. Typically, one of the next things you hear coming from the bench or the bleachers is “Good-eye!, Good-eye!”. It goes right along with, “That’s right, pick out your pitch!”

Those messages suggest that it’s advantageous not to “swing at bad pitches”. If the batter can pick out a pitch to hit in the strike zone, the batter usually has a better chance of hitting the ball well. Waving at anything thrown one’s way is not a successful strategy at the ballpark and I’m wondering if the same isn’t just as true in the boardroom or the planning room.

This is the time of year when it is fitting to not only count blessings, but to take an early review of the past year’s memorable events. To gauge the year’s progress as you ready for next. I’m bringing this up because I would like to suggest that you think about your “plate appearances” this year (you and your Team).

I’ve noticed that the excellent Executive Teams with whom I have been blessed to serve are sometimes challenged to stay “disciplined at the plate”. So many opportunities, so many “pitches” come the way of the Executive Team that it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between staying focused and taking a swing at what might look like a legitimate opportunity. It is as difficult to keep from swinging at bad pitches as it is for a bill “staying skinny” as it goes through Congress!

Pease Strategic Partners offers executive level cleaning-out/cleaning-up sessions to Executive Teams that want to stay nimble and focused on their true opportunity. Strategic alignment and realignment is crucial for the cohesive performance of the Executive Team and the organization. Refreshing on today’s priorities is a lot like cleaning out that top drawer. Cleaning out, saying “no” (or “no more”) and making an exit is as vital to team and organizational success as any strategic pursuit the Executive Team makes. It takes intention, commitment and it takes something else. It takes a “good eye”!

It is my pleasure to express my humble gratitude for the varied, meaningful and rewarding projects and partnerships throughout this year. One thing for certain, 2016 is on the way and the need for leadership has never been greater. But in the meantime, have a very happy Thanksgiving.


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