Old Beginning?

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January 2019

Old Beginning?

Call it a subtle hobby or perhaps it’s more of a quirk, but I tend to listen to words and phraseology. For whatever reason, how words are utilized is naturally interesting to me. Words can do so much really. It was a few years ago, and it was around this time of year when I noticed the phrase, “new beginning”. I figured I knew what the sender was saying but I started thinking about the phrase “new beginning” and thought I had discovered a redundancy (like “hot water heater”). “Really, new beginning… as opposed to old beginning?”. Of course, just a second look and an interesting notion began to emerge. It struck me that perhaps a distinction actually does exist between a new beginning and an old beginning.

An old beginning is a beginning that we all have probably experienced before. Here we go again,the treadmill turning another model year older. Perhaps out of duty or habit, or perhaps from a conclusion that things need to stay the same at least for now, people trudge on into the new year. Perhaps some new goals are set with new pages on the calendar, but things probably are going to remain in the same state for a while longer. But those whom the leader serves need if not deserve more.

As we have just entered into a new year, it is powerful for leaders to reinvigorate or refresh their leadership focus for the opportunity ahead. New beginnings are energizing, old beginnings are well, ho-hum. It’s important for leaders to consider what they want this year to really be about. Isthere an area of focus, subject or theme that captures your attention if not your heart? Why not this year? With so many days and weeks ahead of us it is advantageous to identify what it is that needs to be different by the time we reach year’s end. And it is quite energizing to proclaim commitment to that change. For self and others.

I am always humbled to reflect upon the tremendous executives and leaders with whom I’ve partnered. Past and present, it’s been an incredible opportunity to work with the very best in the nation (this is not merely “communique banter”). And so many leaders and executives I know arein leadership positions to make a meaningful difference. New Year’s resolutions come and go, setting goals is always smart, but getting your heart back into your leadership is purely priceless. New beginnings are dependent upon this.


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